Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Offer to Bradford schools from Bradford Educational Psychology

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Offer to Bradford schools from Bradford Educational Psychology

Bradford Educational Psychology Team offer around mental health and emotional wellbeing in schools.Our Healthy Minds initiatives are subsidised by the Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership, (BDCHCP) who fund several projects and initiatives in the area which support children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing through their wider Healthy Minds offer.

The EP Team’s Healthy Minds offer is open to all schools in the Bradford Local Authority and as they are fully subsidised by BDCHCP, participation in each initiative is free of charge to Bradford schools.

In addition, we also offer the Department for Education’s ‘Senior Mental Health Lead training’, for which a government grant is available to schools to cover the costs of course delivery/access, as well as costs involved in releasing a participating member of staff from their usual role in school.

The EP Team also includes a team of Education Emotional Wellbeing Practitioners - mental health professionals who offer direct 1:1 support to children and young people with mild to moderate mental health needs.

The initiatives and projects we offer to schools are:

The following graphic illustrates how the various offers/services fit together and compliment each other. Schools are able to access each offer at once (with the exception of the EEWPs who are at present only working in schools who do not have access to a Mental Health Support Team).

Overview of Mental Health Initiatives from the Educational Psychology Team

Bradford EP team are commissioned by Public Health to provide several projects under the 'Healthy Minds' umbrella. Although the MHC project does not oversee the other projects, we can signpost you to some basic information. For full details, please contact the relevant email inbox or Project Manager.  

The MHC project aims to provide support for schools in dealing with children and young people with low to medium level mental health or emotional wellbeing difficulties.It is not intended to replace specialist support, but is a way that schools can access information and guidance for staff carrying out their day to day roles and responsibilities.

MHC Core: MHC Core is for information and signposting. (Schools who wish their Champion to access training should sign up to MHC Plus). At the Core level, Champions are asked to disseminate information provided  to their colleagues in school. Champions are not required to provide any individual or specialist support to pupils, although many Champions do this as a part of their every day role, and the MHC project supports them in this. The Core offer also includes parent workshops and training for school governors around mental health and emotional wellbeing.

All Bradford schools are expected to nominate one member of school staff to be their Mental Health Champion.

Project Manager / contact - for School Champions: Sophie Davis

Project Manager / contact for School Governors, Parent/Carer Workshops: Claire Cooper-Jones

For details of this offer, please  visit the dedicated web-page by clicking on the following link: MHC Core

MHC Plus: The optionl, enhanced offer from MHC is for schools who want to further develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of key practitioners around mental health and emotional wellbeing. This strand offers additional training as well as (new for 2023-24) peer supervision and networking. 

Please note, for 2023-24, schools will not be required to complete the audit and action plan in order to access MHC Plus.

Project Manager: Sophie Davis

For details of this enhanced offer, please visit the dedicated web-page by clicking on the following link: MHC Plus

DfE Senior Mental Health Leads: Grant Funded and approved by the DfE, the Bradford version of this national course is for individuals at management level in schools. It is designed to help strengthen the school or college’s offer on mental health and wellbeing. There is a strong emphasis on psychological theory and practical aspects of managing change. It also provides information on evidence based whole school approaches.

Project Manager: Kay Tasker-Smith

For details of this enhanced offer, please visit the dedicated web-page by clicking on the following link: 

Dedicated email inbox for DfE Leads 

Bradford Healthy Minds Chartermark: Alongside improving outcomes for children, the Chartermark offers opportunity for Bradford schools to gain recognition for outstanding practice with regard to mental health and emotional wellbeing. with three awards being built into the process: Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Project Manager: Kay Tasker-Smith

For details of this enhanced offer, please visit the dedicated web-page by clicking on the following link: 

Dedicated email inbox for the Chartermark:

Healthy Minds Wellbeing Initiatives Training: Access to staff training (plus follow up support for whole-school implementation) in 1 of 6* evidence-based interventions relating to MH/EW/SEMH:

  • Emotion coaching
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Mindfulness
  • Restorative Practice
  • CBT-based approches to anxiety
  • Resiliency
  • Social Stories and Comic Strip Conversations
  • A Personal Construct Psychology approach to exploring pupil views around themselves and school

Schools must be signed up to one (or more) of the above 3 projects to access the intervention training. Schools can send their MH Champion or DfE Lead and one other member of staff.

*Conditions apply.

Project Managers: Sophie Davis

For details of this offer, please visit the dedicated web-page by clicking on the following link: Here

Education Emotion Wellbeing Practitioners: 

The Education Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner team (EEWPs) are trained mental health practitioners who work alongside of and are supervised by the Educational Psychology Team. EEWPs work directly with CYP aged 0-25 experiencing mild to moderate emotional and wellbeing difficulties. The therapeutic work of EEWPs is underpinned by evidenced-based, child focused approaches.

Project Managers: Nicola Hawthorne-Jones and Zubeida Zuman

For details of this offer, please visit the dedicated web-page by clicking on the following link: EEWPs

You can also find out more about the projects and the project managers on Skills4Bradford - click here 

Page owned by Claire Cooper, last updated on 27/02/2024. This page has been viewed 4,848 times.