

0-25 Specialist Teaching & Support Service

Social, Communication, Interaction & Learning (SCIL) Team

Communication & Interaction


We are part of a service for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) across the Bradford district aged 0-25.  Our offer focuses on equipping mainstream schools/settings to identify and effectively support children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities through high quality teaching, reasonable adjustments and additional provision. The new offer includes SEND Specialist Support, Support for Individual Children and Training.    


We are so excited to share that we are now an Autism Education Trust Training Partner. Please click on the link for the AET website for further details regarding our training offers. This training is accredited by the Autism Education Trust (AET), the DFE and is CPD certified.



Key documents

Sensory Profile


Sensory Profile 


Wellbeing Profile (Primary)

Wellbeing Profile


STARR Analysis

Adapting Language Help sheet


Exam Support


The Autism Education Trust has shared the following links to information and guidance regarding exam access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special considerations:




Resources To Support Transition



The move from one setting to another could be a daunting time for children.  These transition packs are designed to support children make the transition from Nursery to Primary school and from Primary to Secondary school.  The packs are interactive booklets which provide opportunities for children to familiarise themselves with their new settings by learning key information such as important places, key adults, daily routines and expectations.  The transition packs are aimed at children but are also informative for parents/carers. 



Helpsheets (Click the title and download)





Restricted Diets


Children with autism may have a restricted diet. This is due to their sensory processing issues making them over or under-sensitive to smells, tastes and textures of different foods. This may affect their relationship with food and lead to meal times being a highly anxious time.  The environment in which they eat their food can also be overwhelming for example a noisy school diner hall. 

The SCIL Team have put together some resources to support parents and teachers to identify children’s sensitivities towards food, help reduce anxieties and making mealtimes a more pleasurable experience.


Sensory Profile       

This assessment tool helps adults identify children’s hypo and hyper sensitivities including sensitivities around food.



Pupil voice

Pupil voice can be used to enable children express their feelings towards different aspects of their life including food

Visual Timetables

This strategy is used to help children prepare for daily routines, changes in routines, one off events etc. Visual timetables can help children prepare for mealtimes

Zones of Regulation

This strategy allows adults to teach children a variety of social-emotional skills, from early emotional skills to self-regulation and navigating social situations.

Top Tips

Quick ideas and strategies to put into place to prepare and reduce anxieties.

STARR Analysis

Is a useful method of assessing what happens before, during and after an episode of unacceptable behaviour and allows you to see a pattern in behaviour which can then be addressed.




Page owned by Lucy Stead, last updated on 05/09/2024. This page has been viewed 25,181 times.