Introduction to School Governance

Introduction to School Governance

Good governance is essential in driving up educational performance and pupil outcomes and to ensure resources are used to give every child the best possible education.

School Governor Service is a well-established and highly respected team working in close partnership with School Improvement and other Local Authority (LA) services, with national agencies (National Governors’ Association) and with regional partners in providing comprehensive high quality support and development for governing boards.

We can also call on an extensive network of experienced governors and professionals to advise and support governors and clerks to work effectively.

Our subscription packages include ‘Clerking Services’and ‘ Advice and Guidance ’ and all our services are available to governing boards within the flexible subscription packages .The Training programme is bookable on a pay-as-you-go basis (£159 for the Introduction to Governance course). From 31March 2024 schools can opt to buy an upfront number of credits to spend on training courses through the year, see the SGS brochure for more informaiton click here


The Introduction to Governance Course is recommended for all new Governors and Trustees and KCSIE requires all new governors to attend Safeguarding training when the start as a governor, these should be complemented with the Introdcution to Finance course.


Please follow this link to book a place  or email

Additional services are available for all schools  including recruitment of Governors; bespoke training for schools or clusters of school and other services.


School Governor Service

Education and Learning


Telephone: 01274 439400

Page owned by Meg Curtis, last updated on 05/03/2024. This page has been viewed 18,455 times.