Emergency Management Team

Emergency Management Team

Bradford Councils Emergency Management Team are based in Appleton House, Barkerend Road,BD3 9BD.  Our phone number is 01274 434752.  


For out of hours emergency response please phone 01274 431000.


We would be pleased to receive any school emergency plans and/or business continuity plans that are either completed or in development with a view to us providing a 'critical eye' and comment.  We can also suport your training in planning and to test your plan(s) through exercising appropriate to your needs


We also offer a full package of training and support should you wish to take that up. 




Quick Guide to Bradford's Emergency Management Team (EMT)


What is the EMT?

The primary objective of the EMT is ‘to minimise the impact of a disaster on the day-to-day lives of the community and the environment, and to assist the return to normality’. The Team achieves this through:


Ø  provision of support for the emergency services

Ø  provision of support to:

o   the local and wider community

o   Council departments including those 'at arms length'

o   partner organisations

o   the health and social care economy, and

Ø  taking a lead regarding the recovery process.


The EMT works to fulfil the statutory duties outlined in the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 which makes it a legal requirement of Councils to prepare and respond to emergencies. This includes to:


Ø  assess the risk of emergencies occurring

Ø  take measures to prevent, reduce, control and mitigate the effects of an emergency\incident through the maintenance of plans

Ø  warn and inform the public

Ø  collaborate through the sharing of information with other responders

Ø  train and exercise in relation to plans and preparedness

Ø  promote business continuity planning, and

Ø  publish plans and risk assessments.



Why does the team exist?

The role of the EMT is to reduce the impact of emergencies and disruption on the community. The Team has responsibility for ensuring the Council is prepared to respond to emergencies under its own statutory duties and in support of partners and affected communities by; developing and testing emergency plans, managing the corporate business continuity programme and training key staff on emergency planning and management.


When citizens of Bradford are affected by an emergency the Council is responsible for their welfare.

The Team co-ordinates the Council’s response by:


Ø  providing out of hours ‘on-call’ duty officer cover 24\7

Ø  maintaining and updating the Bradford Council Emergency Plan

Ø  maintaining up-to-date contact information for all Council directorates and service areas

Ø  liaising with health and social care organisations where necessary

Ø  liaising with the emergency services throughout an incident, on-site if required, and

Ø  providing resources where required.


The EMT have contact with all Council directorates and work closely with each department to support them in the development of their business continuity plans. The EMT works with directorates to train staff and exercise plans.





Working with Partners

The five West Yorkshire local authorities meet and work with partners to identify the key risks that may affect the area. These risks are then logged on the West Yorkshire Community Risk Register. The role of the EMT is to mitigate or lessen risks, or where a risk cannot be avoided, to develop plans for response and recovery should an incident occur. The EMT also has representation on the West Yorkshire Resilience Forum.


Locally the Council-led Bradford District resilience Forum (BDRF) is a forum for response agencies from across the City to meet on a quarterly basis to discuss issues and incidents. Membership includes; Police, Fire, Ambulance, Environment Agency, Public Health England, NHS England, Yorkshire Ambulance Service, the Counter Terrorism Unit and Network Rail. The EMT also provides support to the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in the District providing Emergency Planning advice and the development and monitoring of Business Continuity Plans for the CCGS and wider health and social care commissioned services.


The EMT works closely with the emergency services and involves them in initial risk assessments and the development and exercising of local emergency plans. The Team also engages with voluntary groups and local communities through public events and meetings


What we can offer

The EMT has access to a range of welfare resources to support the community in the event of an incident. These include: interpreters, rest centres and emergency accommodation, emergency feeding, clothing and childcare, counselling and support for victims and families, public information for the community, advice on benefits and rights, links with voluntary groups and the ability to establish a Disaster Appeal Fund. The Team also has access to council vehicles which can be deployed at an incident site if required.



Examples of emergencies

Ø  Evacuation of residential areas due to flooding, loss of electricity\gas

Ø  Protests or demonstrations

Ø  Suspicious packages \ bomb threats

Ø  Major fires, including chemical risks

Ø  Severe weather, including strong winds, snow and ice and heatwave

Ø  Health emergencies eg Influenza Pandemic.



How to contact us:

The Emergency Management Team is based at Appleton House, Barkerend Road, Bradford, and is a responsive unit providing 24\7\365 cover through the Council Contact Centre on:

01274 431000.


The Council operates a confidential 24 hour One Number Call Out system for receiving notification of emergencies from within the Council and from professional partners. This is available to key personnel in the Emergencies Handbook.





Want to know more about out work?  Visit Bradford councils website. 

Page owned by Fatima Greenwood, last updated on 15/07/2024. This page has been viewed 12,572 times.