Educational Psychology Consultations

Educational Psychology Consultations

The Educational Psychology Team offer a number of consultation sessions to enable to schools to access support and advice from an EP in a timely and efficient way. EP Consultations are available across the year via Teams.  

What is an EP Consultation?

Consultation is a way of thinking through concerns relating to an individual or group of students.  It offers you the opportunity to discuss these concerns directly with an Education Psychologist. Concerns may relate to any aspects of teaching, learning or behaviour etc. The approach is essentially solution orientated and aims to help you find a way of managing the situation that suits you.

Why Book an EP Consultation?

Research suggest that the consultation enables SENCos to feel supported, gain new perspectives, understandings and ideas, develop professional skills and to feel that they were meeting children's needs and working effectively with parents (Chadwick, 2014)

What does an EP Consultation involve?

Prior to the consultation take time to think about what is it you want it to be about. Use the ‘Getting the most out of your Consultation’ form as a guide. If you think it would be useful, gather together examples of work / log of incidents. Each consultation will take approximately 45 minutes and involve a discussion between the EP and the person bringing the concern.  Through examining the available evidence and through discussion the precise nature of the difficulty will be established and strategies for future action will be planned. After the consultation any agreed actions should be implemented by school. A further consultation may be booked if necessary.

What sort of issues are appropriate for EP consultations?

EP consultations are appropriate for emerging difficulties/ dilemmas or discrete areas of practice linked to the graduated approach.

Examples of issues which would not be appropriate for EP consultations would be: 

  • Concerns about a child who is at or just below age-related expectations; 
  • Clarity regarding SEN systems or whether a child requires an EHCP;  
  • Complex situations that would require a more in-depth piece of work or involvement over time such as EHCP change of need / change of placement / provision. 

Parental Consent

You must bring signed parental consent with you to the consultation. You may also wish to consider parents accompanying you to the consultation, if you think this would be useful. The consent form can be found here.

Cost of consultations

Up to two consultations are fully funded for maintained schools. Any further bookings will be changed at £100 per consultation.

Any bookings by non-maintained schools will charged at £150 (2023 - 24) per consultation.

How to book a consultation

Bookings can be made directly via the Skills4Bradford website:

In order to book a consultation, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on skills4bradford training page: Training & Events | Skills 4 Bradford
  2. Click in the provider and choose "Educational Psychology"
  3. Click on search button - this brings up all Educational Psychology events
  4. At this stage you can login and or select your event/s 

Where do consultations take place

Feedback from users this year has indicated that remote attendance is the preferred option so this will continue post pandemic.

Please note: the consultations are split into four broad geographical areas to ensure equitable distribution across the city. Please book onto the consultation for your area. Click on this link to show areas by setting I don't know what area I am in!

Any queries, please call 01274 439444

Page owned by Ruth Dennis, last updated on 25/06/2024. This page has been viewed 13,898 times.