

Transition Day for 2023-2024 academic year will fall on Wednesday 3rd July.

Transition Day for 2024-2025 academic year will fall on Wednesday 2nd July.

Some excellent practice is used to support pupils transferring from primary to secondary school and we build on this by sharing additional information in respect of those pupils who are known to the City of Bradford MDC.

The LA provide the respective secondary schools with the following details of Year 6 pupils where they are known to the LA:

  • If the pupil has an Education, Health and Care Plan
  • If the pupil is a Looked After Child (CLA)

It is anticipated that this information will support existing arrangements in the preparation of a robust transition plan between the respective primary and secondary school.

In addition, our SENCO's contact allocated secondary schools to discuss other year 6 pupils who are vulnerable and may need additional transitional support or bespoke programmes to scaffold for their start in year 7 in their new secondary setting. Due to the unprecedented events and impact of the ongoing Covid 19 situation our primary schools recognise this is more important than ever. 

The Primary and allocated Secondary School should arrange a review meeting following receipt of this information to allow information to be exchanged and transition plans to be drawn up.  Template transition documents are below.  The Transition Plan is the joint responsibility of primary schools and the receiving secondary school in conjunction with the child and their parents or carers. 

Data Collection Sheet

Involving Parents

Transition Strategies

Blank Transition Form


Year 6 Collection Sheets

Please can you complete this for your Year 6 pupils and send to the destination secondary school by the end of May.

Many thanks for your time and support in this.

Data Collection Sheet

Page owned by Karen Roper, last updated on 04/10/2024. This page has been viewed 25,481 times.

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