Action for Sport

Action for Sport

Action for sport logo

Action For Sport is a national charity dedicated to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate in sport. We are based in Yorkshire and are proud to support both our local communities and communities all around the UK. 

The charity aims to encourage all children to participate in sport, which should result in a positive impact on their physical and mental health and advance amateur sport and personal development. 

We are determined to prevent poverty being a barrier to children participating in sport and are committed to protecting and preserving the environment through the recycling of sporting footwear, clothing and equipment. 




Action For Sport 'Bring Your Boots' project collects used sporting footwear, clothing and equipment and distributes it to children who are deemed to be living in poverty in the UK. We work closely with schools to give every Pupil Premium child the opportunity to receive this offer. 

The Action For Sport Education Programme works closely with schools to educate future generations about the importance of our key values about sport, health and the environment and to help raise vital awareness and funds to support our projects 

To become an Action For Sport school, please visit our website at:  

or email us at: 


Download the flyer for more information.


Action For Sport is a registered charity with The Charity Commission for England and Wales. Charity Commission Number 1188957 

Page owned by Rebecca Smith, last updated on 03/04/2024. This page has been viewed 5,398 times.