Property Management

Property Management

Built Environment SLA

Built Environment SLA  information can now be accessed via the website 

If you would like a Service Level Agreement (SLA)  then please register on line .  You will be required to login to BSO to populate the form with school contact details. All customers are required to sign up on line.

It is important to note that all SLA's run in line with the Financial Year.  Customers are requested to register/renew before 11th March each year. If you are a new customer and want to commence an SLA part way through the year then that is not a problem.  Please discuss with Razwana Mahmood ( There is a process in place for any schools converting to Academy status part way through an SLA so you can sign up with confidence knowing that you are still covered after conversion.

All schools, academies and free schools can subscribe to the service which provides access to technical experts and major incident/disaster recovery support and helps Heads to manage property related issues at their school around specific building management legislation.  You must have an SLA with us in order for us to give you advice, to manage the relevant contracts and to carry out any additional work or to manage your projects for you.

Customers and their Academy Trusts (with active SLA's) are now also given online cloud access to their site's service records.  In addition to this, reactive maintenance request can be raised online 24/7 and progress of jobs raised via the helpdesk can be tracked so customers have access to up to date information.


Please familarise yourself with the policy to ensure your school remains compliant. Legionella Policy

Page owned by Razwana Mahmood, last updated on 12/07/2024. This page has been viewed 16,985 times.