IMT Traded Service

IMT Traded Service

The Information Management Team supports schools and internal LA services with data quality, analysis and reporting. One of the areas that the Information Management Team is responsible for, is the Local Authority’s statutory duty of coordinating and supporting schools with their submissions of data to the Department of Education. This includes support in completing and submitting the termly school census returns and collection of all the primary phase EYFS, Phonics and KS1 assessments.

The team also ensure that the regular collection of pupil data from schools is effectively and efficiently handled with regard to ensuring the highest quality of information. In this duty we offer advice and support to key contacts in all schools.

We’re here to help ensure that the statutory school data collections are done in an accurate and timely manner. By working with schools to improve the standards of data quality throughout the year, as well as at the point of submission, we can help ensure that maximum funding is generated for schools. Alongside accurate contextual analysis being readily available and the burden on schools for data quality queries is reduced. This also helps schools meet their duties under the Data Protection Act to ensure the accuracy of personal data that they hold.

Please watch our short video that will give you an overview of our Traded Service.  To subscribe, and to find out more, please visit our Skills 4 Bradford page:  Welcome to IMT Schools Data | Skills 4 Bradford


An overview of our Traded Service


Page owned by Rebecca Caladine, last updated on 07/06/2024. This page has been viewed 4,955 times.