My Support Plan

My Support Plan

My Support Plan is a strategy used nationally when a young person has complex needs


•It provides a more coordinated, family centred and personalised planning approach

•It demonstrates a graduated response to SEN

•It demonstrates accountability for notional SEN funding;


So why do an MSP

•It is part of the ‘graduated response’ outlined in the COP and required by Ofsted;

•It provides a joined up way of meeting complex SEND needs;

•It helps you gather the evidence you need should you need to request an EHCA at a later date;

•It demonstrates accountability for Element 1 and 2 funding - EHCPs will only be issued if you can demonstrate this;


Who should have a MSP?

Children at School Support who  :

•Have complex needs

•Are making poor progress based on the School Progress grid

•Have external agencies involved

•Require significant individual input to meet their needs

•Are very vulnerable on transition 


MSP documentation

MSP template can be found here

Page owned by Ruth Dennis, last updated on 03/06/2024. This page has been viewed 18,356 times.

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