What does the project entail?
The lowest performing Year 3 readers, as selected by the school, will be administered a series of pre-reading and reading skills which should take around 10-15 minutes to complete.
How long does it take?
The initial assessment stage will take no more than two school visits. The assessments will be administered individually hence minimum disruption to the day to day routine.
How will the school and children benefit from participating
The aims are to share the results, design specific training as well provide an assessment/intervention approach for individual children. This will be free for those schools taking part.
What is the cost for the school?
This project is funded by the LA and there is no financial cost to the school.
What’s next?
Places are limited. If you’re interested or you would like to have a no obligation chat please get in touch via the email below.
Dr Nazam Hussain, specialist senior educational psychologist, via email.