The Bradford Agreed Syllabus for RE

The Bradford Agreed Syllabus for RE

Believing and Belonging in West Yorkshire RE Syllabus

Bradford SACRE provides schools with a locally agreed RE Syllabus, Believing and Belonging in West Yorkshire.  The same syllabus is used in Leeds, Kirklees and Calderdale. 


The new syllabus is now ready for roll out to schools ahead of its launch in September 2024 and can be found by clicking on the title above (Believing and Belonging). The syllabus is designed around developing understanding of six learning pathways. These have been inspired by ‘The Big Ideas in RE’ and act as the framework for sequencing learning in religion and worldviews at all key stages from age 5 to 18.  While organising the curriculum along these pathways, learners concurrently develop substantive knowledge of specific religions/worldviews. The syllabus recommends pupils study a series of core and focus units of work to understand the six learning pathways at each key stage.


Religious Education must be taught to all pupils from ages 5 to 18 in all schools and academies. Maintained and voluntary controlled schools must use the locally agreed syllabus.  As this syllabus has been designed to meet local needs it is also suitable for Academies in the Bradford District, whom we encourage to make use of it to fulfil their statutory obligations.


Units of Work Subscription

To support the syllabus there is a suite of detailed planning for each of the core and focus units of work. The units of work can be purchased by schools through a one-off subscription to Kirklees Business Solutions. The cost of this is £220. This will allow access to the 60+ units of work for the five years of the syllabus.  For more information about how to subscribe and access the planning folder please contact Kirklees Business Solutions on


In addition to the units of work we are lesson resources are being prepared including adaptable powerpoints and knowledge organisers. The lesson resources will be available in three tranches from September 24. The cost of this will be £280 which again is a one-off subscription. To subscribe to the lesson resources please contact


Bradford Interfaith Education Team











Page owned by Fatima Ayub, last updated on 17/04/2024. This page has been viewed 50,529 times.

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