A Child Performance Licence is issued by the Local Authority where the child lives for children from birth until they cease compulsory school age who perform for TV, Stage, Modelling, Paid or unpaid sport.

Current legislation for child performance licence applications requires 21 days’ notice.  We will however, workload permitting, issue a licence if we have received the application at least 10 working days prior to the performance.  Please ring 01274 437607 prior to submitting to check we are able to process the licence if it is less than 21 days.



Process of applying for a licence

The Application.

Part 1 to be completed by the person who is organising the production giving details of the performance including the days that are required off school, hours of work and location and any details of private tutoring if applicable

Part 2  and Medical Declaration are to be Completed by the parent/guardian of the child also additional documentation is required  ie 2  recent passport photos of the child , a copy of the childs birth certificate, school permission letter only required if absence is required from school for the performance.  The school letter must states dates authorised or if dates unknown the maximum number of days permitted for the duration of the production.

Parts 1 should be completed and the whole application should then be passed to the parent to complete Part 2 and the Medical Declaration. After signing and dating the parent should then return the whole form to the applicant to sign and date. Once completed the fully complete application and accomanying documents can be emailed to


If time off school is required for the child to attend a casting or an audition, this does not require a licence.


If the child is to have more than a week off school for a performance then a private tutor has to be provided by the company at the place of performance. The parents or tutor must contact school for work that can be done.

Performing Abroad

If a child is to perform abroad this licence is issued by the Magistrates Court and the school will be contacted to authorise the absence by the production company.


All performances  licenced or unlicenced involving children must have a registered chaperone looking after the child/ren at all times.  To register as a Chaperone please contact  Tara Watson.

Contact details

If you have any queries please contact Tara Watson on 01274 437607 or email

For further information on Child Performance go to the National Network for Child Employment and Entertainment website for further information

Page owned by Tara Watson, last updated on 23/02/2024. This page has been viewed 23,398 times.

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