Tools available to schools through Bradford Schools Online

Tools available to schools through Bradford Schools Online

Giving others access rights to your secure data

Schools are responsible for ensuring that any person given access to their secure data has met any requirements of the school's own Safeguarding procedures. This must include ensuring they understand the requirements of the Data Protection Act and the school policy on the acceptable use of ICT, and where pupil level access is granted a CRB check. If the school is happy that this is the case the following instructions will enable the school to register a third part for access.

Are they already registered with another Bradford School?
First, please ask the person if they are already a registered to use Bradford Schools Online via another Bradford school. If ‘yes’ please use the link in the Access Register to send us their name and the name of the school where they are already registered. Then please add the name of your school. This approach ensures the person does not have to manage multiple logins. We will then add the person to your Access register at Level 3 (you can change this later is if you wish) using their existing login credentials.

Is this their first registration?
If they are not already registered as a user of Bradford Schools Online you will need the person’s name and email address (we strongly recommend that you do not allow the use of Hotmail, Gmail and other web based accounts as this creates security concerns).

Simply add them to your Access Register. You will have to decide which user level you prefer the 3rd party to have. Level 2 allows them access to child level information, whereas Level 3 does not. In most cases Level 3 should be satisfactory. Once set Bradford Schools Online will then automatically send their log-in credentials by e-mail.

Please remember to remove them from your Access Register at the completion of their contract or period of support for the school. Removal from the register remains the responsibility of the school.


School Finder     

School Finder is in the public area of Bradford Schools Online for quick access to school contact details.

Page owned by Chris Hoyle, last updated on 25/03/2024. This page has been viewed 35,517 times.