SEND Good Practice Network

SEND Good Practice Network


Senco Network online forum

Welcome to all new members. Please use this network to share information and good practice.

How to find up:


  1. Navigate to Skills4 Bradford:
  2. Log in or sign up for an account;
  3. Select Communication
  4. On the orange banner, click the small arrow next to ‘Groups’
  5. Browse groups and you should find Senco Network.

Reviewing the School Based SEND Review mini Conference

17th July 2018, 9 – 12am

Margaret McMillan Tower, BD1 1NN

The School Based SEND Review helps to ensure that children with SEND, in all educational settings, achieve their very best, including developing the skills and qualifications that they need for successful transition, further education and employment.

Throughout 2017 – 18, eleven Bradford schools have taken part in this project enabling them to undertake a School Based SEND Review with the Educational Psychology Team and to develop a project or intervention based on the findings of the review.

Come and hear out about the SEND Review project and some of the exciting and innovative activities that have been going on as a result of this,  to improve outcomes for children with SEND across the district.

Cost: Free (this conference has been funded by a DfE grant)

To book your place, please contact:



Currently 12 schools are participating in the SEND Review Project.

Sencos participating in this project will contribute to this page following completion of the review process ( Summer 2018).

Page owned by Ruth Dennis, last updated on 03/06/2024. This page has been viewed 11,311 times.

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