Scott Delves-Holmes, Service Manager for Local Authority Resource Provisions
Scott has been working in education since 2006 when he qualified as a design and technology teacher. Initially, working in North Yorkshire, he focused his craft and progressed to middle leadership, taking responsibility for whole school initial teacher training
whilst holding a teaching and learning responsibility for KS3 in his specialist area.
In 2014, Scott moved to work within one of our cities largest, diverse and challenging secondary schools where he began to take a great deal of interest in special educational needs.
Since working in Bradford, Scott progressed to senior leadership level, playing a vital role in both SEND and safeguarding as the schools SENCO and DSL. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience around teaching and learning, pedagogy and Inclusive practice.
In 2016, he gained the national award for special educational needs co-ordination and has further developed knowledge and skills in SEND through post-graduate study.
Scott has a great deal of experience in the development and implementation of whole school intervention approaches, both on and off site. He has an excellent understanding of resource provisions having worked alongside RPs, numerous alternate provisions
and through setting up an off-site specialist SEMH provision for his school.
Scott's vision for the local authority resource provisions is to ultimately gain better outcomes and life chances for some of our most vulnerable SEND children and young people that have SEMH and/or communication and interaction (inc. autism) needs.