Alternative Provision

Alternative Provision

What is alternative provision?

Alternative Provision (AP) refers to suitable full-time education that is arranged for a pupil from the sixth school day (or earlier) of a suspension or the sixth school day (or earlier) after the first day of a permanent exclusion. In other circumstances, AP may refer to education arranged for pupils who are unable to attend mainstream or special school and who are not educated at home, whether for behavioural, health, or other reasons. AP includes Pupil Referral Units (PRUs), AP academies and free schools, and hospital schools, as well as a variety of independent, registered, unregistered and further education settings.

The following link will take you to the Local Offer AP directory: Alternative Provision in Bradford on the Local Offer.

Using Alternative Provision

The governing board must comply with the Education (Educational Provision for Improving Behaviour) Regulations 2010 and must show regard to the Alternative Provision: Statutory guidance for local authorities, headteachers and governing bodies. Whilst the alternative provision guidance section does legally apply to maintained schools, academy trusts are also encouraged to follow this guidance.

When possible, in-school interventions or targeted support from AP schools should be used to meet a pupil’s individual needs and circumstances – whether behavioural or special educational.

Headteachers should ensure a formal process for arranging, at short notice, suitable full-time alternative education for pupils receiving suspensions over five school days is in place.

A part-time timetable should not be used to manage a pupil’s behaviour and must only be in place for the shortest time necessary. Any pastoral support programme or other agreement should have a time limit by which point the pupil is expected to attend full-time, either at school or alternative provision. There should also be formal arrangements in place for regularly reviewing it with the pupil and their parents. In agreeing to a part-time timetable, a school has agreed to a pupil being absent from school for part of the week or day and therefore must treat absence as authorised.


Pupil support units

A pupil support unit is a planned intervention occurring in small groups and in place of mainstream lessons. The purpose of this unit can be two-fold:

a) as a planned intervention for behavioural or pastoral reasons

b) as a final preventative measure to support pupils at risk of exclusion.

In both circumstances, the underlying ambition should be to improve behaviour and maintain learning with the goal to successfully reintegrate pupils into mainstream lessons. The approach in the unit should be aligned to the culture of the whole school and compatible with the school’s behaviour policy.

Most pupil support units are established solely to accommodate pupils from the school in which they are located, whilst some units, often termed ‘in-school Alternative Provision (AP) units’, are established to accommodate pupils from other schools as well. The placement of pupils from the local authority or a separate school into a unit is a form of alternative provision and those arranging and providing the placement must adhere to their legal duties, which are set out in legislation and summarised in the Alternative Provision Statutory Guidance. When a placement is commissioned by another school, the pupils must be admitted in accordance with the ‘host’ school’s published admissions arrangements and registered as a pupil at the ‘host’ school in accordance with the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006. The pupil should remain dual registered at the referring school. 


Schools should support pupils to reintegrate successfully into school life and full-time education following a suspension (this may also be after a cancelled exclusion) or period of off-site direction (see paragraphs 36 to 47 of the exclusion 2024 guidance). They should design a reintegration strategy that offers the pupil a fresh start; helps them understand the effect of their behaviour on themselves and others; teaches them how to meet the high expectations of behaviour in line with the school culture; fosters a renewed sense of belonging within the school community; and builds engagement with learning.

The reintegration strategy should be clearly communicated at a reintegration meeting before or at the beginning of the pupil’s return to school. During a reintegration meeting, the school should communicate to the pupil that they are valued, and their previous behaviour should not be seen as an obstacle to future success. Where possible this meeting should include the pupil’s parents. It is important to note that a pupil should not be prevented from returning to a mainstream classroom if parents are unable or unwilling to attend a reintegration meeting. To ensure ongoing progress, the strategy should be regularly reviewed and adapted where necessary throughout the reintegration process in collaboration with the pupil, parents, and other relevant parties.

Where necessary, schools should work with relevant staff and multi-agency organisations, such as teachers, pastoral staff, mentors, social workers, educational psychologists or the safer schools team, to identify if the pupil has any SEND and/or health needs.

A part-time timetable should not be used to manage a pupil’s behaviour and must only be in place for the shortest time necessary. Any pastoral support programme or other agreement should have a time limit by which point the pupil is expected to attend full-time education, either at school or alternative provision. There should also be formal arrangements in place for regularly reviewing a part-time timetable with the pupil and their parents. In agreeing to a part-time timetable, a school has agreed to a pupil being absent from school for part of the week or day and must take the appropriate steps for a leave of absence.

Monitoring and quality assurance of alternative provision placements

The Department for Education’s (DfE) statutory guidance on ‘Alternative Provision’ dated January 2013 details that, ‘Responsibility for the alternative provision used rests with the commissioner. The nature of the intervention, its objectives and the timeline to achieve these objectives should be agreed and clearly defined'.

Where Bradford schools commission alternative provision they understand their responsibility to undertake the initial and subsequent regular checks to ensure that the provision is safe and suitable – including for each individual pupil.

To support in this Bradford schools, in conjunction with Local Authority partners, have developed a Quality Assurance template to support those using alternative provision placements in their monitoring and quality assurance duties. Quality Assurance Checklist - Template for schools 



Page owned by Karen Roper, last updated on 20/08/2024. This page has been viewed 13,104 times.