SEND Place Planning

SEND Place Planning

Specialist Provision

Bradford offers a range of educational provision to meet the needs of Children and Young People with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

This includes provision in both Local Authority Maintained Schools and Academy schools including:

  • Mainstream Schools 
  • Special Schools
  • Resourced Provision led by the school (RP-SL)
  • Resourced Provision led by the Local Authority (RP-LA)
  • Additionally Resourced Centre – Local Authority Led (ARC-LA)
  • Early Years Enhanced Specialist Provision (EYESP)

The planning of provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities within the District is guided by a number of principles including:  

  • The Council will ensure that suitable provision is available for all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities aged 0-25 and will provide appropriate services to encourage, enable and assist relevant young adults aged 19-25 to engage and remain in education and training. A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
  • The Council will seek to make such provision for those up to the age of 19 through local mainstream nurseries and schools, if necessary with additional resources or equipment. For children whose needs cannot be met in this way, the Council will seek to make appropriate provision through its special schools, Resourced Provisions (RP's) Additionally Resourced Centre (ARC) or Early Years Enhanced Specialist Provision (EYESP) where this is possible. For young people aged 16-19 provision may be at a school or college and for young people aged 19-25 provision is likely to be college based.
  • Bradford has experienced a significant increase in the number of children and young people with EHCP’s requiring specialist provision, to ensure they are able to have their complex needs fully met and receive the specialist support that is required for them to thrive.  It is projected that demand for specialist places will continue to grow across all sectors.

Given that the current occupancy of our specialist places stands at 90.3% and the projected increase of our statutory school aged cohort of children and young people with an EHCP, additional specialist places are required.

Our current projection is that we will require an additional 100 to 120 specialist places between the academic year of 2023 to 2024 and a further 100 to 120 between 2024 and 2025.  With these places being delivered across both the Special School sector and in Resourced Provisions. 

This is the minimum number of specialist places required to be developed in order to meet demand and to control (and not increase) the reliance on more expensive out of authority placements.

Strategic Plan 2023 -  Sufficiency of Specialist Places for Children and Young People in Bradford click here for the full Strategic Plan 2023

The Strategic Plan 2023 contains a full list of specialist provisions in appendix 1 (pages 53-57)

This report sets out the analysis process that we undertake to enable the Local Authority to plan and ensure the sufficiency of specialist places across the district and provides an overview of the following information:

  • The current specialist provision available.
  • The number of children and young people with an EHCP.
  • The most prevalent primary needs of the children and young people with an EHCP.
  • The projected growth of children and young people with an EHCP based on local and national data.
  • Whether or not there are sufficient specialist places for particular primary needs within each constituency, to meet current and projected demands.
  • The type of provision that is projected to be required for example Resourced Provisions, Special Schools or Enhanced Early Years Specialist Provision.

This report highlights the projected scale of growth and the number of specialist places required to meet projected increase in demand. In order to assess and ensure that there are sufficient specialist places for statutory school aged children, this report primarily looks at school aged children and young people with an EHCP.

Previous Strategic Plans 

Strategic Plan 2022

Strategic Plan 2021


Page owned by Diane Cochrane, last updated on 30/07/2024. This page has been viewed 9,567 times.