Airedale NHS Foundation Trust provides Speech and Language Therapy services for children aged 0-19.
We cover the Bradford geographical areas of Bingley, Keighley, Steeton , Silsden and Ilkley, and also the North Yorkshire areas of Skipton and Settle.
Referral information
We have an open referral system , and accept referrals from schools, nurseries, parents as well as health professionals
Our referral form is available on our website here Referral form or please contact us on 01535 292821
All Referrals received on forms are triaged and sent to the most appropriate team for assessment, or the parent is invited to a triage appointment
If the childs needs are complex we will consider whether the child meets the criteria for our Child Development SALT team
under 6 years
Parents can contact us directly on 01535 292821 to make an initial triage appointment without need for referral form. The majority of these will be by telephone in the first instance although face to face is also available. . Follow up assessment may
be virtual or face to face.
Current waiting time for a triage appointment is < 6 weeks
Over 6 years - Please complete the Referral Form and Checklist and send to:
Children's Therapy Secretary, Child Development Centre, Airedale General Hospital, Steeton, KEIGHLEY, BD20 6TD or email
Curent waiting time is approximately 12 - 18 weeks
Eating Drinking and Swallowing
Speech and Language Therapists in the Child Development team also assess functional difficulties of eating , drinking and swallowing . Please contact the team on 01535 292821 to discuss referral . Referrals are prioritsed with an aim
to see all within 12 weeks
Other services we work closely with:
Neurodevelopmental (Autism) assessment
As part of the multidisciplibnary team we deliver the service for age 2-7 for the Airedale geographical area . Please contact our Assessment administration on 01535 292821 if you wish to refer so they can ensure you have the correct
forms etc, or see the Direct referrals page on this site
Current waiting time is apporximately 18 - 24 months
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
Our integrated Childrens Therapies team includes occupational Therapists and physiotherapists who work with a range of children and young people with functional and physical skills needs and equipment needs . Please contact the team at the Child Development
Centre on 01535 292821 if you wish to discuss access to this service whilst our web pages are updated. .
Training and CPD
We offer a variety of training relating to all areas of SLCN both face to face and online - watch out for our new training brochure coming soon or contact us on 01535 292821 to discuss your needs .
Traded services
Please contact us if you would like to discuss commissioning traded services for your setting -
- Training tasters: - introduction to the training courses we offer / or a brief taster session of one of our courses
- Training follow-ups: Recap on training you have previously attended and revisit the learning and outcomes with support on starting to embed the learning within your setting
- Support with whole school approaches: Coaching and support on getting going with and embedding whole school approaches such as Colourful Semantics, Intensive Interaction and Makaton
- Intervention workshops: A chance to observe modelling of intervention approaches. Get support on setting up interventions or advice around where to go next with interventions already running in your setting
- Universal screening - screening of whole class/ year groups to identify speech. language and communication needs
- Communication environments - support to achieve Elklan Communication Friendly accreditation
- Universal Intervention package - for Nursery/ reception or reception / year 1 - to include a combination of the above
- Targetted Intervention package - for all year groups - including a combination of above , plus targeted interventions for identified pupils
Key Contacts
Childrens Therapy administration Tel: 01535 292821 Email:
Service Manager and Team Leads : c/o Children's Therapies Airedale General Hospital Tel: 01535 292821
Email: and indicate FAO service manager / team lead as appropriate in subject header