CBMDC Payroll and Pension Liaison Service Resources

CBMDC Payroll and Pension Liaison Service Resources

Pay Award Implementation Information Sheet


New E-Payslip System Guidance - HERE


Payroll Processing Calendar 2023-24 -  Here 

Payroll Processing Calendar 2024-25 - HERE


Pay Scales and Term Time Adjustment Factors 

Please select the links below to view the most recent pay scales and term time adjustment factors.

Pay Scales - Local Government Services - Updated November 2023 following NJC agreement on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2023

Pay Scales - Teachers - Updated November 2023 following on from publication of the School Teachers' Pay & Conditions Document 2023 for rates of pay from 1 September 2023

TTO Factors April 2023.pdf (bradford.gov.uk) - updated following NJC agreement to increase minimum annual leave from April 2023


Payroll Templates, Forms & Guidance

Paid Absence Sheet

Unpaid Absence Sheet

Absence Guidance Notes

Overtime Sheet

Overtime Guidance Notes

One-Off Allowances Sheet

One-Off Allowances Guidance Notes

Payroll Amendments 

Bank Details Form

HMRC Starter Checklist (formerly P46)

Casual Holiday Calculator



Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

Furlough Latest Guidance 4/03/2021

Furlough Template (CJRS)

Flexible Furlough Hours Calculator


IR35 (Off-Payroll Working) Process - HERE



WYPF - West Yorkshire Pension Fund

Look at the WYPF website for any changes to the pension scheme bandings or rates.

TPS - Teachers' Pension Scheme

Look at the TPS website for any changes to the pension scheme bandings or rates.

Pension indexation issue - DfE Response to NASUWT 20220128 - HERE

WYPF Estimates & Retirements Workbook - Notification to Payroll & Pension Liaison


Car Mileage Claim Form - HERE

Expenses Claim form - HERE

Car Indemnity Claim form - HERE




How will HMRC changes affect my pay?  - HERE


Information about your payslip - HERE


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