School Financial Procedures

School Financial Procedures


Financial Regulations for Maintained Schools, School Contract Standing Orders and Scheme for Financing Schools

The documents below are the Authority's current documents.

Financial Regulations for Maintained Schools

Schools Contract Standing Orders

Scheme for Financing Schools


Guide to Financial Procedures

The Guide to Financial Procedures is a key document for schools, which describes in full the requirements, the statutory framework and expected good practice, which accompanies the delegation of budgets to schools.

If you have any queries, please contact a member of the School Funding Team


DfE Financial Transparency Reforms

We would like to remind schools to continue to ensure they are following the requirements as per the DfE's transparency changes. Schools must ensure that the information is reflective of the current position with accurate data provided. Transparency actions came into effect 01/01/21 and schools are required to publish annually on their websites the required information relating to their CFR statements and high salaries - please see link below for guidance and a model text / template for schools to use. In providing a link to the benchmarking website, the ESFA has clarified that this link must include the school's URN (to take people directly to the school's benchmarking website page).

Transparency actions for school to take  - provided here is a model template / form of words for maintained schools to use to publish on their school’s website the required information relating to CFR and high salaries effective from 01/01/2021. Schools must ensure that the information is published annually and reflective of the current position with accurate data provided.

The DfE has completed its consultation on changes aimed at improving the transparency of Financial arrangements in maintained schools.  

The outcomes of this consultation have now been published here: 

There are new actions for schools, please click here for an initial communication for schools published in July 2020.


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Page owned by Andrew Redding, last updated on 09/08/2024. This page has been viewed 30,457 times.