Pupil Premium Plus

Pupil Premium Plus

From  2014  virtual school heads (VSHs) are responsible for managing pupil premium plus funding for the children they look after and for allocating it to schools and non-mainstream settings.

The DfE allocate £2,345 for each child looked after who is looked after for at least one day as recorded in the children looked-after data return.

For Bradford Looked After Children:-

50% will be paid to schools to ensure PEP targets are funded at individual pupil level

50%  will be retained by the VS in order to:

  • Raise the quality of targets in PEPs to maximise the impact of the devolved 50%
  • Provide rapid response intervention and support in cases where there is no obvious funding stream to meet the child’s needs. This includes hands-on support and engagement with carers
  • Lead training on education topics that benefit looked after pupils
  • Support and lead, if necessary, at PEP, SEN and LAC review meetings and at the first PEP meeting for children entering care in order to boost the impact of target setting
  • Facilitate the dissemination of best practice across the District by schools and social workers
  • In partnership with other agencies, support attendance, behaviour, English and Mathematics initiatives for looked after children
  • Promote staff training in such things as attachment disorder, FASD, SEN processes and transition plans
  • Ensure the needs of out of local authority pupils are being met to a similar standard to those within Bradford through partnership, support and intervention

Retained Pupil Premium Plus (PPP) allocation to schools

The expansion of the Virtual School through the retention of 50% of PPP+ will enable the Virtual School staff to:

  • Attend more PEP meetings in partnership with the allocated SW and CW to ensure education remains at the heart of the PEP process
  • Ensure a consistent and aligned PEP format across the district and its education providers
  • Ensure VS attendance at the first PEP meeting as soon as a child comes into care and fulfil the LA duty to ensure a PEP is in place within the first 10 days of the child coming into care
  • Create professional networks for Designated Teachers for CLA within central LA resources facilitated through regional networks and CPD events
  • Ensure that every school has a link VS contact to facilitate and support meetings and enable the LA to provide a highly flexible and responsive resource to schools to support CLA pupils in their settings
  • Monitor PPP+ spending and ensure it is used appropriately within the requirements of the grant and spent appropriately in relation to the child’s needs
  • Signpost schools to other agencies to ensure a coordinated and multi-professional approach
  • Provide additional capacity to ensure representation of the VS team at wider forums within the LA eg Case Review Panel; Attendance; Joint Resources Panel  and Foster Panel meetings etc.

The continued provision of a bank of VS Associates to support the educational and pastoral needs of CLA:

  • Enables the Virtual School to provide a swift and rapid response to urgent matters and issues as they arise in relation to its Children Looked After Cohort
  • Enables the Virtual School to be pro-active in planning for the needs of its pupils
  • Allocates associate staff to intervene to support the educational attainment of young people who may not be attending school or need a further individualised teaching and learning approach
  • Closes gaps in learning and impact on progress and attainment
  • Minimises exclusions and add stability to the educational placement of the looked after child by offering consistency and familiarity in maintenance of adult relationships
  • Adds additional capacity to schools over and above its own school resources to support the needs of its looked after pupils.

Other key spending:

  • Where schools have been able to demonstrate that additional funding is needed to support the CLA further to close gaps in learning, additional funding has been allocated on a need basis. 
  • Provide 1:1 support through an adult prior to the EHCP plan
  • Provide immediate funding to support the emotional and pastoral needs of children as soon as they come into care, short term care, low incidence care and those who are leaving care and on the edge of care
  • Provide intervention eg Play Therapy for those young people who can’t access CAMHS because they do not fulfil the criteria for the allocation of a CAMHS assessment
  • Support the LA SEND team to support home tuition
  • Celebrate the attainment and achievement of looked after children through an annual celebration event

Additional retained funds will be allocated back to schools under the following headings:

New into care pupils
Additional funding for new into care pupils to meet immediate needs prior to receiving the first PPP instalment

Short-term in care pupils  
Taking into account the length of time in care, as well as other factors, the VS will fund PEP targets to support the educational achievement of looked after child on short-term education placements

Low incidence/ high need pupils  
Schools may apply for additional funding to ensure children’s targets are met

Additional Funds Request Form for OLA Schools


Further information about Pupil Premium Plus can be found in the Pupil Premium Plus Conditions of Grant:-



Early Years Pupil Premium

From April 2015, VSHs are also responsible for managing the early years pupil premium (EYPP). They are in charge of giving the premium to the early years providers that educate looked-after children (children in local-authority care) who are taking up the free early education entitlement for 3- or 4-year-olds.

Early years providers are any organisation that offers education for children aged under 5, including nurseries and childminders.

The VS has made arrangements for allocating the EYPP funding to looked-after children at a rate of 53p per hour per pupil.

It is the VS responsibility to identify the cohort and ensure the correct provisions receive the funding.

The VS’s intention is to evaluate, over time, EYPP funding and its impact on looked after children.

Further information about Early Years Pupil Premium can be found at:


Bursary Fund

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund was introduced in the 2011 to 2012 academic year. It is money the government has given to local authorities, schools, colleges and other education and training providers (institutions) to give to disadvantaged students. Its purpose is to provide Financial support to help students overcome specific barriers to participation, so they can remain in education.

There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

  • a vulnerable bursary of up to £1,200 a year for young people in one of the defined vulnerable groups.  This includes children in care or care leavers
  • discretionary bursaries that institutions award to meet individual needs. For example, transport, meals, books and equipment

Education institutions are responsible for managing both types of bursary. Students who want to apply for support from the bursary fund should contact their chosen institution as soon as possible to make an application. There should also be information about applying for the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund on institution websites.

Further information about the bursary fund can be found at:


Page owned by Steve Hemming, last updated on 10/07/2024. This page has been viewed 15,471 times.