School Based SEN Support

School Based SEN Support

At or just below Age Related Expectations

•This is the universal offer that all children in your school are entitled to;

•It is funded via AWPU
•It demonstrates what you do for all children to accommodate their individual learning needs;
•It should include elements such as:

Share of School running costs

Share of Class teacher

Quality First Teaching (Q1T)

Appropriate differentiation linked to Q1 Teaching


SEND Support

Mild to Moderate, persistent difficulties;
  • SEN notional  funding should be in place, to allow regular small group work and some focused individual support;
•It should include  elements of support such as:

Share of additional adult in class

SEND friendly classroom strategies

Flexible grouping for teaching

Wave 2  ‘Catch-up’ interventions


•It should also include other elements such as:

Access to small group support in class

Individual support to address outcomes in IEP / MSP

EP / ITS / other outside agency involvement

Wave 3 targeted group support

EP / ITS / other outside agency involvement
My Support Plan


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