If you have concern that a child is being harmed you must not keep these concerns to yourself.

In the Bradford district, these are the numbers that you can ring for advice and to make a referral:

  • During office hours (8.30am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, 4.30pm on Friday)
    • Children's Social Care Initial Contact Point - 01274 433999
    • At all other times, Children's Social Care Emergency Duty Team - 01274 431010
  • If you have reason to believe that a child is at IMMEDIATE RISK OF HARM, contact the police on 999
  • Members of the public can contact Children's Social Care freephone on 0800 9530966


Please consult the Continuum of Need and Risk Identification document for help deciding what action should be taken about concerns about a child.

Bradford Council takes seriously its responsibility to protect, safeguard and promote children's welfare. Dealing with the safety and protection of children and young people is a demanding and difficult area of work. Bradford Council recognises this and aims to ensure that staff who work with child protection issues are provided with up to date and appropriate guidance, direction and support. Information on safeguarding children is maintained by the Safeguarding Children Partnership on their website.


Bradford Council works closely with partner agencies: Children's Social Care, Health, Police and the Voluntary Sector and is represented on Bradford Safeguarding Partnership ( and on all of the board's sub groups.

All Bradford schools must have a Designated Safeguarding Lead who is responsible along with the Governing Body for ensuring that the structures supporting Child Protection are in place and that they are reviewed regularly.  Structures include:

  • A Designated Safeguarding Lead who is on the leadership/senior management team of the school

  • A Named Safeguarding Governor

  • A Named Governor with responsiblity for Children Looked After

  • At Least one Governor trained in Safer Recruitment

  • A written Child Protection Policy that staff are aware of and understand

  • Child Protection Procedures in line with those of the Bradford Partnership

  • Staff who have received Child Protection training in accordance with Keeping children safe in education 2022


Page owned by Kate Hopton, last updated on 03/05/2024. This page has been viewed 39,065 times.

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