Mental Health Champions (MHC Core)

Mental Health Champions (MHC Core)

Mental Health Champions (MHC) project: Overview

The MHC project aims to provide support for schools in dealing with children and young people with low to medium level mental health or emotional wellbeing difficulties. It is not intended to replace specialist support, but is a way that schools can access information and guidance for staff carrying out their day to day roles and responsibilities. 

All Bradford schools are expected to nominate one member of school staff to be their Mental Health Champion.

The project is managed and delivered by Bradford Educational Psychology Team, meaning that training and support is based on up to date research and evidence-based practice.

Please note: MHC 'Core' is our basic offer of information and sign-posting for schools who may access support and training elsewhere and may not require anything additional. Schools who do wish to access further support and training should access MHC Core and 'bolt on' the offer at MHC 'Plus'.

A description of the project and FAQs (e.g. expectations of schools and the MH Champions can be found in this presentation: Further info and FAQs presentation


Role of the Champion at Core level:

  • At the Core level, Champions are asked to access information delivered via half-termly pre-recorded webinars*, newsletters, and other commmunication (e.g. email, this BSO page).

  • Champions are then expected to disseminate relevant information to others connected to the school. This includes sharing the MHC newsletter with colleagues, informing schools Governors of the MHC training offer, and parents and carers about the workshops on offer.

  • Champions are not expected to provide any individual or specialist support to pupils, although many Champions do this as a part of their every day role. (Reminder - Champions wanting to access further training and support can access the MHC enhanced offer, MHC Plus - see below for link to details).

  • There is no induction or training required - Champions should be able to access all necessary information through the webinars and online.


What we offer at MHC Core

  • Half-termly pre-recorded webinars for school Champions. Webinars provide Champions with key news and information regarding local and national initiatives, projects, services, training and support relevant to mental health/emotional wellbeing (mainly for CYP but may include some insight into staff and or/parent mental health/emotional wellbeing). We also make links between Champions/your school and other organisations who offer support in this area via the webinars and through email and other communication.*(From Autumn 2023, half-termly pre-recorded webinars will replace the previous termly 'live' network meetings).

  • Termly parent/carer workshops offering information and training around common issues and concerns parents/carers have regarding their children’s mental health emotional wellbeing.

  • Bi-annual training sessions on Social, Emotional and Mental Health for school new governors (existing Governors may access this training as a 'refresh' if they wish to do so).

  • Half-termly newsletters with relevant local and national information regarding mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Expectations of Schools at MHC Core:

  • All Bradford schools are expected to nominate one member of school staff to be their Mental Health Champion.

  • Champions/representatives should be members of school staff, not members of other organisations working in school.

  • There are no further expectations of schools or Champions, but individual schools may wish to develop their Champion's role in different ways, such as through our enhanced 'MHC Plus' offer, or in other ways that suit the school's circumstances. 

  • Please note that neither MHC Core or Plus offer any individual or bespoke training or other support to schools. Schools seeking additional support may wish to explore the Bradford Healthy Minds Chartermark, the Bradford offer of DfE Senior Mental health Leads, or the Traded Services on offer from the wider Educational Psychology Team.


MHC Core Diary Dates 2023-24


     Pre-recorded webinars for School Champions:

  • Champions will be notified via email when the webinars are available and how to access these.


     Parent/Carer workshops:

     The Autumn parent (The Emotional Brain: From Tot to Teen) workshops are: 

  • Tuesday 5th December 2023 - 9.30 am to 11 am
  • Thursday 7th December 2023 - 1 pm to 2.30 pm

     The Spring parent (Topic TBC) workshops are: 

  • Tuesday 19th March 2024 - 1 pm to 2.30 pm
  • Thursday 21st March 2024 - 9.30 am to 11 am

     The Summer parent (Supporting Your Child with Transitions) workshops are: 

  • Tuesday 11th June 2024 - 9.30 am to 11 am
  • Thursday 13th June 2024 - 1 pm to 2.30 pm

     All sessions are online, via Microsoft Teams. Sessions may be cancelled if minimum numbers are not met, and any parents/carers booked on to sessions that are      cancelled will be offered an alternative.

     Please note that these are group events and we are unable to offer any individual advice during or following these sessions. 

     Parents and carers are eligible if the child/young person (up to age 18) in their care lives in the Bradford area. The child or young person does not have to      be currently attending school/college.

     Please note, all sessions are for parents and carers only, not school staff or professionals unless they are attending in their capacity as parent of a young person      living in Bradford.

     Booking details: To book parents are asked to email  Once a booking has been confirmed, log in details and passwords will be      sent.


     Governor Training

     Session 1: Introduction to Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools

  • Wednesday 15th November 2023 - 9.30 am to 11 am and 1.30 pm to 3 pm

     Session 2: Promoting Staff Wellbeing in Schools

  • Wednesday 17th January 2024 - 9.30 am to 11 am and 1.30 pm to 3 pm

     All sessions are online, via Microsoft Teams. Sessions may be cancelled if minimum numbers are not met.


MHC Newsletters

Find a link to our newsletters below:

Academic year 2023-24

  • Autumn newletter TBA


General queries or to sign up your school to the project/register your Champion:

Please email:


Useful websites and resources:  The website for booking your place at network meetings.

Healthy Minds Intervention training and support Information document

Kooth: The online digital counselling service for 11 to 18 years olds commissioned by Bradford CCGs.

Qwell: The online digital counselling service for adults living in the Bradford area. 

Youth in Mind - a partnership of mental and emotional wellbeing services supporting children, young people and their families from conception to age 25 across Bradford District and Craven. Links to many different services and organisations in the area - really useful!

Youth in Mind Basic -

Youth in Mind  City -

Youth in Mind Plus -

Youth in Mind - Services Flyer - an overview of key Information about services on offer

The Healthy Minds website is the single point of access for all in Bradford and Craven to look after their minds. The website was created to bridge the gap between those looking for support and services struggling to reach and help the right people. Home to the Healthy Minds Wellbeing Assistant, Services Index and Wellbeing Resources and campaigns, is an easy to use website, opening the door to mental health and wellbeing support services, resources and information. 

Healthy Minds Service Directory - online directory of mental health services in Bradford (for children, young people and adults) 

Mind in Bradford - a local mental health charity covering Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven.

First Response Crisis Service -  offers support 24 hours a day, seven days a week to people of all ages living in Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale or Craven experiencing a mental health crisis. First Response’s  free phone number is: 0800 952 1181 Link to information on this resource for supporting children and young people with emotional regulation. Link to free online resources which explain the fight, flight, freeze and submit responses in user-friendly guides. A useful video that explains how early experiences affect brain development and how this impacts on behaviour. A thought-provoking TED talk about how children 'do well if they can'.

AGENDA: A young people's guide to making positive relationships matter ISBN: 978-1-908469-10-6  

AMIE guide: Resilience: Surviving and Thriving in Education. Peter Rushton and Jackie Christie.  practical guide that includes proven strategies for developing and maintaining resilience, and case studies that illustrate just how critical resilience is for staff and students


Page owned by Claire Cooper, last updated on 27/02/2024. This page has been viewed 22,898 times.