Training for School Governors

Training for School Governors

The School Governor Service has a programme  of virtual training

The list of training available can be accessed on 

Go to the Training & events tab, select provider as 'School Governor Services'.


School Governor Service - Training for Governors

The purpose of the training programme is to support governors in the effective strategic management of all schools and academies, to enable the best possible educational outcomes for children across the district and improve further education and job prospects for them.

Pay-as-you-go training (not by subscription): The School Governor Service Training Programme is pay-as-you-go, the school will be invoiced for courses booked. The 2023-24 cost is £63 per governor per session; £140 for the Introduction to Governance 4 hour course delivered over two sessions or a short day; £159 for the Chairing the Board 5 hours over 2 sessions) with webinars e.g. finance webinar, SFVS webinar, Music webinar £35 per applicant. The  Chairs & Governor Develoment Group is free for all governors. 

Subscription option for governor training from 1 April 2024- this is an option for schools - they choose a number of credits to purchase for the year, then spend the credits on governor training through the year, more information is in the SGS brochure for 2024-25 click here

Virtual online or face to face - most courses are virtual courses held on TEAMS however some are face to face and these are clearly marked in the programme. 

eLearning courses are also available through and are priced at £35 up to 31 March 2024. 

To Book and for further details:

booking requires a login



email your booking to with your full name, the name of the school to be charged for the course, the name and date of the course, your phone number. - governors not already logged in can click on Login using their school email address and click 'forgotten password'- you can then set your own password and use this moving forward. If you change your email address please ensure your clerk is aware so they can update the website/ or advise All training booked by a governor will need to be checked out of the 'shopping basket ' by the school finance authorised user. Please search for courses on the 'Training & Events' tab, select provider 'School Governor Service' to see all  SGS governor courses.


The School Governor Service  also offers:

  • On-Demand Training - one of our prospectus courses delivered just for your school/group (max 20 delegates) from £215 . To express an interest and discuss your requirements and get a quote please contact

  • Bespoke Training - tailored to your needs. Please ask for a quote - contact

The  details of  the subscriptions for Advice and Clerking and other School Governance support services  can be found on the website


Current Governor eLearning can be booked on

please check the site as new eLearning courses are being added. Price per course per applicant is just £35.

Academies Overview - ELearning

Attendance - ELearning

Curriculum - eLearning

Link Governor Named Governor - eLearning

Parent Governor - ELearning

Data for governors ELearning

Recruitment of a Head Teacher, what governors need to know- eLearning

Staff Governor know your role - eLearning

SFVS for Governors & schools staff - eLearning (webinar recording) 

Exclusions- duties of a Governor -eLearning (free to all schools for a limited time)

Music Development plan - a governors role - eLearning (webinar recording)


Future Training courses for School Governors in Bradford District: if you wish to put forward ideas/ requests please email or contact 01274 439400.



Contact School Governor Service on email


Page owned by Meg Curtis, last updated on 05/03/2024. This page has been viewed 29,934 times.