Education Safeguarding Team

Education Safeguarding Team

The following service areas sit within the Education Safeguarding Team:  

  • Attendance Team 
  • Prosecution Team
  • Access Team (includes CME)
  • Elective Home Education
  • Safeguarding complaints and compliance
  • Out of School Settings Safeguarding
  • Child Employment and Licensing

A breakdown of the functions and support available in service areas is detailed below:


Ofsted/DfE/Parental complaints

Parental concerns/complaints are often sent directly to Ofsted/DfE. These may be sent to the Local Authority and, if in respect of safeguarding, to the Education Safeguarding team.

Parents wishing to log a complaint must initially follow the school’s complaint’s process if they feel unsatisfied with how a school has handled a certain incident or situation. If a parent still has a safeguarding complaint after exhausting this process, details maybe sent in writing to

If a parent is concerned for the immediate safety and welfare of a child, these concerns should be reported to the relevant agency – CSC/Police etc.

The Education Safeguarding team has a comprehensive safeguarding training offer, details of which can be found at Skills4Bradford.


Attendance Team and Prosecution Team

These teams act on behalf of Bradford Children's Services in enforcing a parent's duty to ensure regular school attendance.

Officers work closely with schools and families to resolve issues of poor school attendance. They support children and families when pupils are experiencing difficulties in school or welfare issues are disrupting a child's education. The service also provides support and advice to schools in developing strategies to improve pupil attendance.

Support available from this service


Access Team

Access team supports families from Central and Eastern Europe, Refugees, Asylum Seeker ,Traveller backgrounds and vulnerable families with access to education. The service supports and signposts the client group, taking into account the wider family support needs - including SEN and Early Help. Specialist staff in the team advocate on behalf of families who are experiencing barriers in accessing appropriate education settings.

Support available from this service


Elective Home Education

This specialist team maintains the record of children pupils who are educated otherwise than school, provides advice and guidance to schools and families in respect of Elective Home Education, and undertakes informal enquiries with regards to the suitability of education provision for Electively Home Educated children.

Support and guidance available from this team


Training, Curriculum, and Compliance

The Education Safeguarding team takes responsibility for promoting equality, diversity and community cohesion through education to lead peer education projects that tackle prejudice, discrimination and extremism, offers support to schools around safeguarding, PHSE, RSE including staff training, and acts as clerk to Bradford SACRE. There is a comprehensive training offer on Skills4Bradford, and the team administers the S175 Audits on behalf of the Safeguarding Partnership.

Support available from the service


Child Employment and Licensing

This team discharges the Authority's responsibility to monitor child employment and is responsible for the issuing of Child Employment Permits and Entertainment Licences for school age children.


Useful contacts:

Education Safeguarding Head of Service: Kate Hopton

Education Safeguarding Service Manager - Attendance Prosecution and CEEL: John Leese

Education Safeguarding Service Manager - EHE, CME and Safeguarding Compliance: Robin Woods


Attendance Team Manager: Paul Harkin

Prosecution Team Manager: Lindsey Fallon

CEEL Team Manager: Tara Watson

Lead Officer Out of School Safeguarding:Salim Akhtar

Education Safeguarding Team Manager: Maryam Shaheen

Training, Compliance and Curriculum Manager: Jenny Fox

Education Safeguarding Officer: Jasdeep Kaushal

Education Safeguarding Officer: Rashida Hussain

Education Safeguarding Officer: Aisha Sharif Khan

Education Safeguarding Officer: Shamyla Ibrahim

Education Safeguarding Officer: Anthony Williams

Education Safeguarding Officer - IFD: Fiona Parkinson

Education Safeguarding Officer - CE Hub: Naveed Mushtaque

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO):

Children's Social Care Initial Contact Point: 01274 433999

Children's Social Care Emergency Duty Team: 01274 431010

Education Safeguarding Team: 01274 437043

Access Team: 01274 439393

CME Team: 01274 438877

Attendance & Prosecution Team: 01274 439651

Elective Home Education: 01274 439340


Page owned by Kate Hopton, last updated on 03/05/2024. This page has been viewed 30,666 times.