Elevating learner outcomes - Training Opportunity

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Elevating learner outcomes - Bradford Careers & Technical Education District approach Thursday 26th September 2024 Times: 15:30 to 17:00

This free online training outlines the Bradford District approach to Careers Technical Education to elevate your school wide approach to careers in the curriculum. Join us for an insightful training session on how you can adopt and better utilise curriculum and pathway delivery from Primary through to Post 16. We will provide you with:

  1. Bradford district partnership approach to Careers and technical education including how we use sector knowledge, skills and resources to enhance delivery and improve outcomes for your learners. 
  2. What support schools can expect from the CTE Pathways service and how adopting the approach support schools achieve Gatsby benchmarks, PAL and more.
  3. Enable organisations to align and embed careers into subject content.

Booking Information
Cost per delegate - £0 This is a virtual training course which will take place on Microsoft Teams
Audience:  Curriculum leads, Career Leads/SLT/LA staff (Bradford District only)


To book your place click here


Published: 03/09/2024
Audience: Curriculum Leads, Career Leads, SLT, LA staff (Bradford District only
Contact: Dorothy Shepherd

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