LGS Pay Award 2022 - Information for staff in receipt of Universal Credit

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

We are aware that some support staff working in schools and in receipt of Universal Credit may have been adversely affected by the recently implemented and backdated LGS Pay Award. This information is for maintained schools and academies where Bradford Council is the payroll provider.

In order to support any staff where their Universal Credit payments has been impacted by this issue, we have put together an information sheet that provides:

  • Key details of pay award and when the various elements of this will be paid
  • The potential impacts to their Universal Credit payments
  • How to get financial advice, guidance and support if their Universal Credit payments have been impacted 
  • Contact details for the payroll team should they have any queries in relation to the pay award.

Please can you ensure this information is displayed on staff notice boards and where requested by a member of staff, a copy of the information sheet is provided either electronically or a printed copy. 

If you have any queries, please contact your designated payroll officer. 



Published: 24/11/2022
Audience: Headteachers, school business managers, support staff working in schools
Contact: Rhiannon Howden

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