Get ready for Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge 2022-Starts Sat 9th July

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

This year's Summer Reading Challenge starts Saturday 9th July at all libraries within the Bradford district. Gadgeteers is in partnership with the Science Museum Group, with the fantastic science theme to inspire children to be curious about sciences; technology and invention.

The FUN starts Saturday 9th July until Saturday 10th September at all libraries within the Bradford district.

Join the challenge to encourage your school and its pupils to read for pleasure over the summer holidays. By providing fun reading activities the Summer Reading Challenge will also play a key role in supporting reading catch-up and maintaining literacy levels.

This year's science theme will inspire children to be curious and creative and to use their imagination to explore reading and the sciences.

Children between 4 and 12 years old can join the challenge.

It’s free to join and only requires a library card. It's free and easy to join the library too. And you can help to have your pupils registered with the library in advance of the summer holidays simply by having joining forms at your school and helping parents/carers to complete them. Bradford Libraries are happy to receive bundles of completed forms to process and to return to you library cards ready for use by your pupils. Here is a joining form

Children who join the Challenge will receive a Gadgeteers kit bag, complete with reading poster, first set of stickers and bookmark. The Challenge is to read between one and six library books during the summer. Children reading 3 books will receive a second set of stickers for their reading poster and a science-facts paper game.  With children reading 6 books, therefore completing the Challenge, receiving their third set of stickers; a Gadgeteers Certificate and Medal - in recognition of their fantastic reading achievement. 

Look out for your schools pack and information updates which will be arriving shortly via your school office email or directly to school staff who have provided their name for the Summer Reading Challenge contact list. If you would like to receive information directly including requesting Summer Reading Chalenge display materials please email with your contact details. 

In addition, please use the Parents/Carers Information Flyer attached. This can be included on your webpages;social media and school newsletter to encourage awareness and particiaption in the Summer Reading Challenge.

Most of our libraries within the district will be happy to receive class visits before the summer holidays and some may be able to talk at your school assemblies. Please contact them directly.

There will also be lots of FREE family-friendly events at most of our libraries throughout the summer holidays linked to the theme. Look out for our special Summer Reading Challenge programme or for more information and updates visit

Gadgeteers flyer

Joining form


Published: 06/06/2022
Audience: Primary Head Teachers; Literacy Leaders; School Librarians; Primary Teachers; Parental Involvement W
Contact: Christinea Donnelly

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