Engineering Careers for all.

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Learn more about engineering careers on Tuesday 2nd May on University of Bradford campus between 6-9pm. It is open to all but with a particular focus on girls and their parents/carer


There is a gender gap in engineering in the UK – fewer women are engineers than men.  It is important that girls and young women are aware of the fantastic opportunities that engineering careers can bring. It is also important that we increase the diversity in the engineering sector so that a wider range of perspectives and ideas can feed into the engineering decision making and so that the outcomes are relevant to more people in society.


"Are you a creative problem solver who wants to make a difference in the world? Have you ever considered a career in Engineering? Are you the parent/carer of a young person who is interested in an Engineering career but you want to understand what this involves so you can advise them?"


Come to our event to find out more – what do engineers do? How do you become an engineer? What are the challenges that engineers are working on? What skills do you need to be an engineer?


We will provide an overview of what ‘engineering’ means, the routes to becoming a Chartered Professional Engineer, the course options and the fantastic and rewarding careers. Some of our wonderful engineering alumni who recently graduated from the University of Bradford will share their own stories -  who and what inspires them, their experiences as students and what life is like working as an engineer. We will also give you the opportunity to meet female engineers who work at the University together with some of our current students who will be happy to answer your questions. There will be refreshments and a chance for you to network with other women who are interested in STEM careers.


The event is suitable for all interested in engineering and tech careers, and their parents/carers.

Find out more here:


Booking link here:




Published: 25/04/2023
Audience: Headteacher, teachers, senior leadership team
Contact: Fatimah Hussain

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