Our course, “Leading Outstanding SMSC Development: from class to whole school” is for senior school leaders to support them to develop strategies for incorporating SMSC into their school curriculum, culture and ethos. This training equips leaders with the
tools needed to train their own staff in SMSC development.
The quality of a school’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is central to its ethos. Its importance is emphasised in the Ofsted framework, particularly in relation to leadership, management and overall effectiveness of the school.
The course is fully updated to cover the most recent Ofsted changes and has a clear focus on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
This course, led by experienced teacher-advisors, balances input with reflection and interactivity and guides participants in developing and meeting requirements for SMSC and British values in their own school context. The course combines reflection on existing
practice in school and identifying next steps.
Our next in person courses are:
Leading SMSC in Primary Schools on Thursday 15th June, 9am-11.30am, City Hall, Bradford
Leading SMSC in Secondary Schools on Thursday 15th June, 1pm-3.30pm, City Hall, Bradford
We also offer an online training course:
Leading SMSC in Primary Schools on Friday 16th June, 9.15am-11.30am, City Hall, Bradford
Cost £125 per delegate (£45 to facilitators and schools taking part in Schools Linking)