ME my body, my life, my friends - sexuality relationships training (SEND)

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ME, my body, my friends, my life How to teach children & young people with Down syndrome and other learning disabilities about their bodies, keeping safe, privacy, social boundaries and self help skills

ME, my body, my friends, my life

How to teach children & young people with Down syndrome about their bodies, keeping safe, privacy, social boundaries and self help skills

This course is over 2 days Friday 19th & 26th May 2023, 9.30am to 3.30pm

The course will cover:

· How important such training is for young people with learning disabilities. Public & private body parts, places, actions, touch and conversations.

· Puberty for girls, puberty for boys,

· Feelings, personal hygiene, self help skills.

· Touching, hugging, affection, friendships, appropriate greetings.

· Safety in the community. Assertiveness. Abuse prevention strategies. How do we become our own protector?


The signs for this topic are also covered and available in a book —SRE and Down syndrome cost £6. A Memory stick of resources & activities is available to buy at a cost of £10.


COST: Subsidised fees £60 per professional (£30 for a second professional from the same school)/ FREE for family members otherwise £30. Refreshments provided but please bring own lunch.

· Enjoyed meeting other people and being able to talk openly about issues and facts of life

· It’s given me the confidence to talk about the changes my child will go through and most of all helped me to prepare and be aware of what is to come.

· Understand now the importance of starting this work in primary schools and practical ways of doing this.




Published: 21/04/2023
Audience: staff working with children and young people who have a learning disability
Contact: Wendy Uttley

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