To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The National Education Union (NEU) has announced that they will hold a further two days of strike action in England as follows: • Thursday 27th April 2023: National Strike Day • Tuesday 2nd May 2023: National Strike Day

The strikes are being held in relation to the dispute over Teacher’s workload, pay and conditions.  The result of the recent ballot has now been announced with a majority of voting members opting for strike action.   


In these circumstances the school must try to sustain both its capacity to meet its statutory and social obligations to its pupils and students and its commitment to active and productive industrial relations with the members and representatives of its workforce to comply with the recent Department for Education (DfE) Guidance on handling strike action in schools guidance.


April & May Strike Guidance 


Published: 20/04/2023
Audience: ALL
Contact: Naveed Ahmed

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