Prevent Duty Train The Trainer sessions for School DSLs

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

These free TTT sessions are offered to DSLs working in schools within Bradford. Each session is 90 minutes and is delivered online via Teams. Places are limited to 10 participants per session and offered on a 'first come, first serve' basis.

Session Times:  9.00am to 10.30am.


Session Dates:

18th April 2023.

25th April 2023.

2nd May 2023.

16th May 2023.

23rd May 2023.

6th June 2023.

20th June 2023.

27th June 2023.

4th July 2023.

11th July 2023.

18th July 2023.


To book a place please email



Published: 28/03/2023
Audience: Designated Safeguarding Leads
Contact: Assia Hussain

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