ECT Appropriate Body reforms - Registration of new ECTS

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

As you will be aware, there are some imminent changes regarding Appropriate Body duties which are going to affect Bradford LA services. The first of these regards registrations of new ECTs.

Local Authority Appropriate Body services cannot register any new ECTs from September 2023. This includes ECTs who have already begun their induction but are moving to another school for the next part of their induction.

In order to make this change easier for schools we are taking the following actions for the summer term 2023.

  1. If your school already has ECTs registered with Bradford as you Appropriate Body, then we will accept new ECTs onto the list if they start on 17 April 2023, but after that date we will not accept any new registrations.
  1. If you do not currently have ECTs registered with Bradford as the Appropriate Body, we will not be accepting new registrations for the summer term.

In the case of 2 above you will need to contact a Teaching School Hub (e.g. Exceed) to act as your Appropriate Body for the summer term. They will be the only organisations which will act as Appropriate Bodies in the future.

There will be no exceptions to this decision in order to keep the transition as straightforward as possible for all concerned.

Immediately after the Easter Holidays, there will be further announcements about Appropriate Body reforms which will affect all schools, so please look out for these in Sue Lowndes’ emails; on Bradford Schools Online; and in ECT Manager newsletters.

If you have any questions about this message please contact Michael Garside, 07582 109303 and he will do his best to help.


Published: 24/03/2023
Audience: Headteachers and principals; ECT induction co-ordinators
Contact: Michael Garside

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