Look out for our school attendance campaign

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

As part of the council's ongoing campaign to encourage good school attendance, the digital advertising vans will be on the roads of the district again next week.

The 'every day at school' campaign aims to promote the benefits of children being in school every day. The campaign includes adverts on social media, posters at sites around the district, and the use of a digital advertising van.

The van will be in the vicinity of some of your schools next week with the hope of catching parents’ eyes as they drop off and pick up their children. It will also be visiting areas of high footfall such as retail parks and public spaces.

Below are some shots of it out and about last year.

The adverts only display when the van is parked and the drivers know they must park considerately. However, should you have any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact our marketing team at press.communications@bradford.gov.uk






Published: 22/03/2023
Audience: All school staff
Contact: Rebecca Smith

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