Bikeability's 'Get Cycling' Programme - training for school staff

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Bradford Council are partnering with the Bikeability Trust to trial a new approach to cycle training in schools. Schools are invited to be part of this exciting pilot programme.

The project will evaluate the effectiveness of training school-based staff to deliver cycling skills in a school setting, with assessment mapped against the PE curriculum. The training includes all off-road elements of cycle training, and is based on the Bikeability modules of Balance, Learn to Ride and Level 1&2. Training is free of charge and schools will recieve 6 balance bikes and helmets to keep. 

This pilot project is fully funded by the Department for Transport and supported by the Department for Education. It is separate to the Bikeability and playground based cycle training already offered to schools.  

Click on this link for further info. 

You can express interest by completing this initial survey – Please complete by 24th March 2023:




Published: 17/03/2023
Audience: EYFS lead, KS1 lead and PE Co-Ordinator
Contact: Road Safety Team

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