We now have the entry forms for the Knife Angel & Anti violence month art competition available!
Please follow this link: Knife Angel &Anti Violence month for details -
Knife Angel Bradford & Anti Violence Month - Primary Schools Art Competition – Design a Superhero for Peace!
Children can win a £75, £50 & £25 shopping voucher plus an art hamper
In April 2023, Bradford will be hosting the National Monument Against Violence and Aggression (also known as the Knife Angel). The sculpture will be placed in City Park and would make a fantastic opportunity for a school trip.
The giant angel shaped sculpture is designed to help us think about peace, friendships, kindness and forgiveness as ways to work against people being unkind to each other.
As part of the month long visit to Bradford, the Youth Justice Service would like to display artwork from children across the district in the City Library and so we would like to invite primary schools to take part in a competition to design a Superhero
for Peace.
The superheroes can take any form they like; perhaps thinking about what they might wear and what accessories they might have, or what words they might use and maybe even what they might give out to people as they travel around helping everyone to be at
peace with each other through friendship and kindness.
We hope your school will support this huge project by promoting this competition. There are 35 Partners involved (Such as West Yorkshire Police, the Probation Service, Safer Communities, Education & NHS) across the district all working together to help make
April and impactful Anti Violence Month in Bradford.
- There are two age categories in the competition; Infants (up to age 7 or School Year 2) & Juniors (ages 7 to 11 or School Years 3-6).
- A shortlist of 10 entries per age category will be created from all the entries, with the judging for this stage being undertaken by a panel from the Youth Justice Service.
- The shortlisted entries will then be judged by a panel of local professional artists who will decide a winner in each age category.
- All entries will be displayed in City Library, Bradford from the 25th April 2023 until the 24th May 2023.
- The winner in each category will be invited to receive an award at a special ceremony taking place at the Knife Angel, City Park Bradford on Thursday 27th April at 10am. More details will be sent to winners via email following the outcome of
the competition.
If you would like to discuss the project further or find out more about school visits & events please email
Michelle.Buchan@Bradford.gov.uk or call 07816 117863