Physical & Medical Team Parent Webinar

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Physical & Medical Team are holding a Webinar for parents to support with handwriting development at home. Please share the following with families who may be interested in joining.

The Physical & Medical Team Specialist Teachers are pleased to offer a Parent Webinar on Thursday 30th March 2023. This will be a 30 minute session (12:30- 1:00pm) over Microsoft Teams to look at how handwriting difficulties can be supported at home.  It is open to all parents of children who have physical needs who attend mainstream schools, with a particular focus on primary school aged children.

The session is free to attend and your child does not have to be on the Physical & Medical Team’s caseload. Please email before 23rd March to book your place and receive the Teams link. Details can also be found on the Local Offer Website



Published: 27/02/2023
Audience: Sencos and all school staff
Contact: Deborah Craig

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