Outcome of consultation for Dixons McMillan Academy

To be completed by: Fri 03 Mar 2023

Time: -Fri 03 Mar 2023 | Venue:

Dixons Academies Trust consulted on a proposed change to the admissions arrangements for Dixons McMillan Academy between 11 November and 23 December 2022.

We are writing to advise that the outcome of the consultation can now be found on the Dixons Academies Trust website.

In line with the School Admissions Code, the admissions arrangements for the 2024-25 academic year have subsequently been determined by the Trust Board and are contained within the policy that is now available on the Academy website.

We would be grateful if schools would share this information with the parents of children who attend their schools.  This may be of particular relevance to those parents who have a child in year 5 at primary school, who are considering applying to the Academy for year 7 entry in September 2024.



Published: 24/02/2023
Audience: Headteachers, school staff, parents and any other interested parties
Contact: Admissions - Dixons Academies Trust

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