Fairtrade Foundation’s free Fairtrade teaching resources

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Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 27 February to 12 March and the Fairtrade Foundation has sessions for schools and teaching resources.

Free, Fairtrade Fortnight online ‘Big Fairtrade Get Together’ sessions for schools:

Wednesday 1 March, 9.30 - 10.30am, (for infant schools) 

Friday 3 March 1.00 - 2.00, (for primary schools)

Tuesday 7 March 9.30 - 10.30 (for secondary schools)

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Produce under threat from the changing climate and encouraging people to support producers to protect their futures are two of the themes of this year's Fairtrade Fortnight.

The annual campaign runs from 27 February to 12 March with a programme of free online and local events.

Fairtrade Fortnight aims to highlight the plight of farmers and producers of goods in countries where workers are affected by low pay, difficult work conditions, and increasingly, climate change. Fairtrade campaigns for social justice for those affected. Buying products with the Fairtrade logo means supporting farmers and workers to improve their lives and those of their communities.

Bradford District became a Fairtrade Zone in March 2006, meaning Bradford Council is committed to supporting Fairtrade and local shops stock Fairtrade goods.  The district's seven Fairtrade Villages and Towns organise events throughout the year to promote Fairtrade, and collaborate with schools, places of worship, organisations and businesses whenever possible. Bradford Cathedral is a Fairtrade Cathedral and the University of Bradford is a Fairtrade University. 

One of the focuses of this year's fortnight is the items which are endangered by climate change, such as bananas, chocolate and coffee. These are at risk of becoming harder to find in shops. But switching to Fairtrade means extra income, power and support to the communities who rely on growing these crops, allowing them to put in measures to protect their livelihoods.

This year's events include the Fairtrade Foundation's 'Big Fairtrade Get Togethers' – free online events which give an insight into how Fairtrade is enabling farmers and producers to secure a sustainable future and save at-risk produce. Fairtrade farmers and other experts will talk about their experiences.

A number of local events are also planned including:

  • Saturday, 25 February – Fairtrade stall at Baildon Farmers Market
  • Saturday, 4 March – 6.30pm: baking competition at St Andrew's Church, Keighley. Enter a Fairtrade bake made with at least one Fairtrade ingredient. The five bake categories are: best looking, under 18, under 10, adult, gluten and/or dairy free. Winners announced at 7pm following a shared sampling and judging process. There will be Fairtrade information, plus Fairtrade chocolate and wine tasting.
  • Fairtrade Ilkley is organising a Fairtrade baking competition for Ilkley schools.
  • Saturday 4 March – 2-4pm: Spring Fair and Fairtrade Big Brew at St John's Church, Ben Rhydding.
  • Sunday, 5 March – 9-10am: Fairtrade Breakfast at Bradford Cathedral
  • Sunday, 12 March – Service with a Fairtrade focus, followed by a Big Brew of Fairtrade tea and cakes at Bradford Cathedral.

Churches around the district will also have Fairtrade stalls during the fortnight.

The Fairtrade Zone flag will be flown at City Hall for the campaign period and City Hall will be lit up in the Fairtrade colours of blue and green on both 27 February and 12 March.



Published: 22/02/2023
Audience: All
Contact: Rebecca Smith

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