Cessation of LA as ECT induction Appropriate Body – clarification

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

A number of schools have completed the survey (thank you!) however there appears to be some confusion as to what is the Appropriate Body.

The AB is the organisation you send your ECTs' Progress Reviews and Assessment forms to (often on ECT Manager) eg Bradford LA induction. It is not the provider/partner you use for the Early Career Framework support and mentoring. Ambition, Teach First, Capita, Best Practice, EDT and UCL are not Appropriate Bodies.

Only Teaching School Hubs will be Appropriate Bodies for all schools in the future (with the exception of independent schools and British schools abroad which will have their own AB).

So schools need to be looking at which Teaching School Hub (usually the local one) they wish to use as the AB once the LA ceases to act in this capacity.

Hopefully this clarifies the situation, but if not, please book onto one of the briefings on Skills4Bradford where any questions can be asked and issues sorted out. Search the site for “ECT AB reform briefings for Heads and induction coordinators” and select which you would like to join. The links are on each booking page.


Published: 22/02/2023
Audience: Headteachers, ECT induction coordinators
Contact: Michael Garside

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