YMCA Girls Move programme for 11-18 year old girls in secondary school

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Bradford YMCA is piloting a new programme, called Girls Move, for girls aged 11-18 years of minority ethnic heritage who have low confidence and are not engaging in traditional sport or physical activity, which we are offering free to secondary schools.

Girls Move aims to build participants' confidence and knowledge through looking at body image, self-esteem and developing leadership skills with a view to supporting participants not only to engage in physical activity themselves but also to encourage others to do the same by breaking down the barriers they face and trying out non-traditional forms of physical activity they may find easier to access.

The programme can be delivered in school time or as an after school club and will generally run over 7 1 - 1.5 hour sessions, but this can be discussed to best suit needs. We work with small groups of up to 10 girls who can be drawn from one year group or from across a wider age range.

This offer is only open for this acedemic year, to July 2023!

If you would like us to deliver Girls Move in your school, please contact Rachel Deadman at YMCA Bradford

E: rachel.deadman@bradfordymca.org.uk

T: 01274 371304


Published: 09/02/2023
Audience: Headteachers, Pastoral Leads, Pupil Welfare, Safeguarding, Enrichment, PHSE
Contact: Rachel Deadman

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