SPECIAL OFFER Growbag - year round food growing programme in your school

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Observing how plants grow and reproduce is woven through the curriculum The Growbag food growing programme explores the life cycle of plants in real time while at the same time connecting children with where their food comes. We're selling a limited number of Growbags at 2022 prices

Most schools aren’t getting the most out of their garden. This is usually because of time and knowledge constraints.

We know children love to be outside sowing, growing, and harvesting fruit, flowers, vegetables, and herbs and learning about the natural world.

The Growbag food growing programme, from Grow to School, can help your school make this a practical reality whether you have a full size allotment of a tarmac playground.

What you get:

  • A practitioner to guide you through – to deliver gardening sessions with pupils and training for staff.
  • All seeds and plants, a growing diary, plan for your space, instruction sheets and planting cards – everything you need to know
  • A guide and help with how the garden links to the curriculum from plant science to animal habitats, map making to maths

We're selling a limited number of Growbags at 2022 prices: 

Maximum support for a small school £2,000
Maximum support for a large school £3,200

Hassle free Do It Yourself £700


Offer open until the end of March 



Published: 07/02/2023
Audience: Headteachers, chair of governors, science leads, geography lead, SENDCO, outdoor lead
Contact: Ama Chaney

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