Orion & BSiP NCCE Computing hub offer

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The courses scheduled below are only for schools in Orion & BSiP networks to support the provision and delivery of Computer Science in your respective schools. It is suggested that each school has representation on one of the courses listed.

A wide range of Primary Computing courses are available for Orion and BSiP Primary Schools from an Introduction to Primary Computing through to Assessment and Evidencing and preparing for Ofsted. There are also introductions to the Teach Computing Curriculum, Animation, Scratch, Micro:bits and Crumble.

Please click here to view all the courses available, the dates they are running and the booking links. There are 11 courses in total which run throughout March.

For any queries please contact teachcomputing@bingleygrammar.org.  


Published: 02/02/2023
Audience: Orion and BSiP schools only
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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