Early Years Educators, have your say!

To be completed by:

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St Edmund’s Early Years Stronger Practice Hub are putting together professional learning offers for Early Years Educators just like you, so we need to know what will help you the most. Answer our short survey.

St Edmund’s Nursery School and Children's Centre has been appointed as the Early Years Stronger Practice Hub for Yorkshire and The Humber by the Department for Education. We will take a significant regional role in providing free training and support for childminders, private nurseries, and schools, with the aim of helping our youngest children recover from the impacts of the pandemic.

To make sure our support offer meets the needs of the region, we are conducting a needs analysis to find out what Early Years Educators in Yorkshire and The Humber really need to develop and thrive.  

Make sure your voice is heard! Take 10 minutes to fill out this short questionnaire: https://bit.ly/3Dwtwap


Published: 02/02/2023
Audience: Headteachers, all EYFS staff, Governors
Contact: St Edmund's Early Years Stronger Practice Hub

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