Would YOUR students' Walltets or Purses be returned...?

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

We're developing a Social Trust Barometer to measure Trust across the Bradford District, then learn about what's happening where trust is high in order to replicate it in areas where it is lower. Your students (and colleagues) can help us to learn about trust where they live in just 2 minutes!!

Sharing this survey with your students and/or their families/carers woul help enourmously with ensuring that our findings are accurate and reach into all communities and geogrpahic areas. As ever the voice of our young people is vitally important. Hearing from Teaching staff who live in BD postcodes would also be really helpful.


Let your students Have THEIR say:


Access the 'pulse' survey here: https://tinyurl.com/SocialTrustProject


A very useful task to get children engaged which can be used in subjects such as RE, PSHE, Geography, Ciminology and the Social Sciences


Thank you very much for your support. Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me using the email address below.


Barry Cusack

Project Officer

Stronger Communities

Bradford Council


#SocialTrust #BradfordDistrict #GetInvolved! #Share!


Published: 31/01/2023
Audience: Secondary or FE: Head Teachers, Deputy Heads, HoYs, RE, Geography and Social Science Teachers. PSHE
Contact: Barry Cusack

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