SFVS - Audit team lead training - opportunity for maintained SBM

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Learn from the Audit team how best to approach the SFVS or watch the recorded webinar. Extra face to face session planned for Tue 31 January 2023 10-12noon in Bradford. Book through www.skills4bradford.co.uk, hosted by the School Governor Service for school staff and governors.

Extra session added: SFVS Training Tue 31 January 10am and elearning webinar

Folowing successful session for staff last week an additional session has been added, led by Bradford Council Internal Audit Team the session explains how best to effectivly complete theSFVS document, the responsibility of governors and of staff.

 The session guides staff and governros in questioning financial management procedures and practices in place, to ensure the optimal use of resources, be made aware of the deadlines and timetable of SFVS; the structure of the document (and associated documents); have greater understanding of the value of SFVS in clarifying their role and be made aware of other support available.

Governors could also choose to attend the face to face session Tuesday 31 January 2022 10am-12noon at Margaret McMillan Towers, Princes Way Bradford BD1 1NN details here

Alternatively there is a 1hr 20minute SFVS webinar recording that can be accessed through Elearning and is available to book watch through www.skills4bradford.co.uk

Face to face session is £59 per booking, webinar is £35 per booking.

To book either the face to face session or the webinar recording please use the skills4bradford website or email school.governor@bradford.gov.uk


Published: 26/01/2023
Audience: School Business Managers, Head Teacher, Governors, Finance Commitee Chair (maintained schools)
Contact: Christina Low

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