LGBT+ Inclusive Resources for Schools

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With LGBT+ History Month around the corner, I'm sharing information about our programmes at Just Like Us which aim to support teachers to improve LGBT+ inclusion schools across the country.

Below are a few details about the programmes we have available, including our free educational resources for all teachers as part of School Diversity Week, our school talks programme and our Pride Groups programme aimed at supporting teachers to create safe spaces for LGBT+ young people and allies.


School Talks

Schools in England and Wales can book a talk from our ambassadors, LGBT+ young people aged 18-25. Visiting schools in person or through an online platform, they educate on LGBT+ terminology, share their experiences and talk about allyship . To find out more, email


School Diversity Week

School Diversity Week is our annual celebration every June of LGBT+ inclusion within education. Reaching over 5,000 primary and secondary schools across England and Wales, the aim is to help schools to engage with LGBT+ inclusive education. Sign up via our website to access free resources and start planning your School Diversity Week!


Pride Groups

The Pride Groups programme aims to create safe and fun spaces for LGBT+ young people and their allies to come together and enjoy their time together at school. We support groups across the country by providing fortnightly educational resources, termly training and facilitate the sharing of best practice amongst a community of like minded educators.  Join the Pride Groups community for £99 + VAT for a year’s membership online here, or email us and request an invoice. 


Published: 23/01/2023
Audience: Teachers
Contact: Robert Ward

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